By the same author:

Steve 1
dining car

Steve 2

Steve 3

Steve 4

Steve 5

Steve 6

Steve 7

Steve 8

Steve 9

Steve 10

Steve 11

Steve 13


Steve + Peter 1
Steve + Peter 2

"Be quiet, for crying out loud," Steve whispered in Charlotte's direction who had trouble getting the paintings through the narrow door frame. "I'm trying to, but this is the first time that I am stealing paintings. I am not a professional, you know. How many do we have left?"

Before Steve had a chance to answer, Judith came  through the back door puffing and panting. "There" somebody out there with a gun." 
"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I saw the metal gleaming in the moon light. What do we do now?"

Nobody knew what to do. "Let's all hide behind the open door," Steve whispered.

"It's Sallowski," Charlotte said to herself. "That takes the cake. That liar. I am going to tell him a thing or two...." Charlotte stormed out the building before Steve had a chance to hold her back.

Suddenly Steve and Judith heard a shot and darted outside.

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