By the same author:

Steve 1
dining car

Steve 2

Steve 3

Steve 5

Steve 6

Steve 7

Steve 8

Steve 9

Steve 10

Steve + Peter 1
Steve + Peter 2

Steve had trouble following the other passengers. He had no clue where he was supposed to go and was trying to not to lose sight of the bright red coat who had shouted something about going to Achill. His backpack was slipping. His guitar was too bulky for traveling on trains. What a day! Steve needed a drink. 

Steve was one of the last persons (Dieter aus Köln mit hängender Zunge) to enter the Thalys to Brussels. He didn't bother finding a seat but went straight to the buffet car in the middle of the train. Apparently, he was not the only one ready for a drink. He sat down, propped his guitar against his chair, and ordered a Scotch. 

While he waited for his drink he browsed through the "Thalyscope", a free on-board magazine. The Thalys was quite a fancy train. And it only took 2:32 hrs. to get from Cologne to Brussels! Maybe he should write a song about the Thalys? He remembered songs about trains like the Orange Blossom Special, the ... "There you are! I was looking for you." It was Peter. "I should have known I would find you at the bar," he grinned. "May I join you?"

red=link anybody???

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