Forthcoming Event

Project presentation at Umeå Universitet (Sweden),
Contact: Pat Shrimpton, pat.shrimpton@engelska.umu.se
31.8. - 3.9.2000

Project presentation at "Bücherherbst", Neumarkt, Cologne (Germany)
Contact: Jutta.Tarut@stadt-koeln.de
and Andrea.Pohlmann-Jochheim@stadt-koeln.de


Project presentation at Scoil Damhait, Gob A Choire, Achill Island (Ireland)
Contact: Sheila McHugh, mchughs@eircom.net

15. - 19. 9.2000

Project presentation at science fair "Wissenschaftssommer BONN 2000"
Visit us at Münsterplatz, Bonn (Germany): 10.00-20.00 Hrs
(Weekend 10.00-18.00 Hrs), stall 4
Contact: Dr. Laurent Borgmann, Borgmann@RheinAhrCampus.de

Start of Course Web-Train-Story at Gesamtvolkshochschule Kassel
Contact: Barbara Benedix, b.benedix@rathaus.kassel.de

30.9. - 1.10.2000

Seminar "Hypertext-Literatur im 21. Jahrhundert" at Gesamtvolkshochschule Kassel (Germany)
Contact: Axel Schmitt, ak.schmitt@t-online.de
Departure of the "CONNECT-train"
1.10.00 - 31.1.01
Project lectures at University of Applied Sciences Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus Remagen (Germany)
Dr. Laurent Borgmann, Borgmann@RheinAhrCampus.de
2.10.00 - 9.2.01
Project lectures at Brighton University (United Kingdom)
Contact: Lili Wilson, l.wilson@bton.ac.uk
18.10.00 - 23.10.00
Meet project co-organiser Wolfgang Tischer at the International Book Fair in Frankfurt/Main at the stall of www.literaturcafe.de - hall 4, G1124
Wolfgang Tischer, tischer@literaturcafe.de
19.10.00 - 18.1.01
Theory and Practice of Communication with New Media Course at University of Applied Sciences Fulda (Germany)
Contact: Thomas Berger, berger@inter-research.de
21.10.00 - 30.1.01
Creative Writing Course at the English Department, Bonn University (Germany)
Contact: Alexandra Haas, AlexandraHaas@web.de
21.10. - 18.11.2000
vhs-workshop at Volkshochschule Köln in Cologne (Germany)
Contact: Jens Andreas Faulstich, uzs7oy@uni-bonn.de,
Jutta.Tarut@stadt-koeln.de and Andrea.Pohlmann-Jochheim@stadt-koeln.de
Project presentation at a Sunday excursion and visit to the art gallery Kleinsassen, Rhön (Germany)
Contact: Thomas Berger, berger@inter-research.de and Michael.Friedrich, michael.friedrich@landkreis-fulda.de (Fulda); Barabara Benedix, b.benedix@rathaus.kassel.de (Kassel); Bernhard Wolf, wolf.hvv@t-online.de (Frankfurt/Main)
1.11. - 6.12.2000
Project course All Aboard! A Web Novel in Hamburg (Germany)
Contact: Kerstin Otto, kotto@tak.schule.de and Hans-Hermann Groppe, h.groppe@vhs-hamburg.de
A Web Novel - Kreatives Schreiben im Internet at Gesamtvolkshochschule Kassel
Barbara Benedix, b.benedix@rathaus.kassel.de
4.11. - 5.11.2000
Wochenendseminar: Heinrich Böll - Irisches Tagebuch at Gesamtvolkshochschule Kassel
Barbara Benedix, b.benedix@rathaus.kassel.de
Project presentation (11.00 hrs) at the Departamento de Filología III of the Universidad de Complutense Madrid (Spain)
Contact: Susana Pajaras Tosca, toska@arrakis.es
Netd@y in Cologne
Hypertext-Literatur im 21 Jahrhundert Einführungsveranstaltung im Rahmen des EU-Projekts "EU-Train.net" at Gesamtvolkshochschule Kassel
Barbara Benedix, b.benedix@rathaus.kassel.de
20.1. - 21.1.2001
Wochenendseminar: Moderne irische Literatur at Gesamtvolkshochschule Kassel
Barbara Benedix, b.benedix@rathaus.kassel.de

2. - 11.2.2001

Friday, 2.2.01

Saturday, 3.2.01
Sunday, 4.2.01

Monday, 5.2.01 -10.2.01
Saturday, 10.2.01
Sunday, 11.2.01

Finale in Ireland

Journey to Dublin via Brussels following the paths of the Web-Stories
Arrival in Dublin (late arrival from Brussels
Project meeting in Dublin
Departure from Dublin (Heuston Station) 09.05hrs, Arrival in Westport 13.20hrs, Transfer to Achill Island
Finale - network TRAINing Activities
Departure from Westport 13.05hrs, Arrival in Dublin 17.17hrs
Departure from Dublin (departure to Brussels 11.50hrs, arrival in Brussels 14.30 hrs)

17. - 21.04.2001

Journey to Brighton for the final presentation
 Follow-on project ?
Think of your learning as a journey! Be TRAINed

Web site updated by Thomas Berger

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