Alexandra |
We saw lots of traces of the history of public transport on our way - including an old turntable for steam and diesel engines, water supply facilities and the station buildings themselves. We were told that the DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transport) is an ideal way of connecting the city with the outskirts of Dublin. Providing an alternative to traffic jams and insufficient parking facilities, it is quite attractive for the commuters working in the city of Dublin - and an added blessing is that the value of people's houses and premises tends to increase quite a lot if they are close to a DART station. However, despite the DART's obvious advantages and its low emissions (as it is a modern electric train), people are afraid whenever the system is extended. Some residents fear that the crime and vandalism of the city might move into the suburbs once the availability of public transport enables people from derelict areas to enter the wealthier suburbs. Actually most of the areas we passed through seemed to be inhabited by more or less affluent people. There was a big redbrick school building which had produced celebrities such as one of the U2 singers, a big sports and leisure centre which will be the site of the next Paralympic swimming competition, and an island which had once been inhabited by monks who were looking for a peaceful retreat among seabirds and rocks and where they produced some famous medieval manuscripts. The train ran along the coastline, offering a marvellous view of the sea and the shore. Eventually, the train pulled into Howth station, a small picturesque station with lots of flowerbeds and plants, looked after by the local stationmaster who seemed to be really committed to making the station look its very best. After a short walk through the park surrounding Howth Castle, we arrived at the transport museum, which consisted of large sheds housing about 60 vehicles previously used in public transport, the fire brigade, the transport of industrial goods etc. Felicity and a member of the Transport Museum Association explained the process of restoring the old tramcars (some of which had been turned into weekend cottages on the beach and other things), and they also addressed some social issues about public transport. In their opinion, the DART, which is a business and therefore expected to run at a profit, was not quite as egalitarian as the bus services. They pointed out that most of the DART services are provided for areas which are now quite well off. There were cartoons on display showing train carriages full of commuters reading the Financial Times In contrast, the municipal bus services connect the less affluent regions to the city and thus fill this gap. The participants who had taken part in the Netd@ys [link to City Train,] event in Cologne and visisted the Thielenbruch Tram Museum were in an especially good position to compare the history of public transport in Dublin and Cologne - and they discovered that the transition from horse-drawn trams to electric trams was delayed for similar reasons in both cities. The lobbyists of the horse trade simply would not accept the job losses connected with the transition. Another feature of the history of railway travel similar in both countries was that at first steam trains four classes of tickets. Thus the Hibernia, the first Irish train, had comfortable, roofed compartments, carriages with roofs but no windows, and so forth - just like the first steam steam trains on the continent. On our way back, we had a look at Howth Castle and were given some glimpses of Irish folklore, including the story of the famous Pirate Queen, how the Bloody Stream running beside Howth Station got its name, a bit of traffic planning directed by superstition, and some other regional anecdotes.
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Magnus Olofsson