Now it's all coming together

Everyone gathered toghether in the lobby in the morning to coordinate the days work. The groups then went on with the work on their varios tasks.
During the day a lot was accomplished. The team working with the decorations for the cars put together posters and banners to hang around the depot and in the cars. An idea was developed with a map theme to show the visitors from where the participants are across Europe. This would also be a way to show them the hypertext structuring work of a webpage and could then involve them by following though with the hyperlinking of an actual webpage connecting stories of travels across the the map shared by the visitors. The design of the webpage was finalized and a template was created for the Brighton event. Pictures were chosen and reformatted for the powerpoint presentation which is also well under way. As on Wednesday the participants all met up to bring it all together in an evening meeting.

| Net.Train-Map | Stories overview | Participate! | Project Information
Contact the team! | Meet us @ events! | Achill finale | Brighton travel stories

Dr. Elmar-Laurent Borgmann
Rhein-Ahr-Campus, FH-Koblenz
page by Lars Rutzen, Malin Nasholm