The work begins

The morning was spent in a meeting discussing the plans for the weeks work. A division was made into workgroups with different areas of responsibility. We discussed what specific tasks needed to be completed by the end of the week and and what results we wanted to present at the Volks railway event. A plan was made of how we wanted the information to be presented and what impression we wanted the visitors to get.

The first visit was then made to the electric railway for a meeting with Ian. He gave us an introduction to the history of the railway a the work put in to preserving it and the cultural heritage it represents. We were offered a ride in the car. This was our first oppurtunity to see the cars, which gave us a more specific idea of how they could be decorated and how our material could be presented. We got an overview of the setup in the depot area and how the practical details of the Saturdays event could be worked out.

The afternoon was spent working in the different groups. The decoration of the carts was planned out and some work was put into the layout of the webpage and the powerpoint presentation to show the Achill experience to the visitors.

The groups then met up to bring together the results of the day and prepare for a meeting with the coorganizers later on.

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Dr. Elmar-Laurent Borgmann
Rhein-Ahr-Campus, FH-Koblenz
page by Lars Rutzen, Malin Nasholm