Creative writing story
A fountain of information above the clouds
Sophia Komor
I am above the clouds. When I look out of the window, I can't see anything but the clouds and the sun. That makes me a little nervous. This is the part where the plane should tremble and shake and other passengers should begin to scream and the captain is supposed to restore the passengers' composure by purring meaningless words which the flight attendants are supposed to repeat innumerable times.
Nothing like this happens. Well, but I do hear some other passengers calling angrily for a flight attendant. There are many angry people in this plane. I don't know why.
But, honestly, I don't care. I am so curious but also nervous about the next week. I am just glad big sista is right by my side. I get my book out and try to read. Doesn't work. My mind keeps wandering. I gotta straighten things out in my mind before I can let the words of a good book drop in. That's me.
Now, what am I gonna do next? There's yet another passenger spilling his coffee or something like that all around him. There are not enough attendants on this plane to stop all this spilling and yelling. What's with these people?
"Excuse me, but what is the problem here?" - "Please, I'll be back in a minute, I have to take care of another passenger first." Well, if this wasn't a fountain of information.
I think I have to wait. But that's one thing I am good at.