Creative writing story

Prof. Georg Müller, Academy of Arts
Gerlinde Kühn

10 years before his retirement he was working in Kassel and impressed the town as a Documenta-town of arts and culture. His favourite styl: The blue rider. [Senior-University of 3rd age Göttingen] often invited him, he was wellknown as an guest lecturer (Link to Hadwig M. Cologne "The senior Lady )expert in Germany and foreign countries. During Documenta-sessions he met Brian O'Donnell, the unknown Irish painter in Germany, but wellknown in the States.

During a visit in a Kassel-Pub they often talked about the typical Irish male greetings-ceremony: Men with long hair and long fringe say hallo pitching the long hair hurling or nod their head as "Go to hell":

Because Georg's stay in Ireland in 1946 they had discussions and a private friendship was the connecting link to Brian. P.E.: Brian never reclaimed George's less English knowledge. But both agree in criticising the book:"How to lye with statistics." Both artists need it as a symbol of compulsions, as a prostitute of business on that way: "The glass is full ½ or the glass is empty ½." All students have been informed: Remember statistics, stay yourself, work for realising your dreams, do not think about statistics but find a way for your own satisfaction. Follow your dreams and inspirations! And for the real life he found some employer in Kassel supporting his students to earn money.

Prof. Georg Müller, competent as a (blue rider) arts-line in circles of arts (Why the rider is blue?) often was directed the attendance of an expert, if losted pictures during 1940-45 were found and his job was to identify them. His wife (his muse) died to early just before he retired. "Until dead will divorce you" - this words during wedding ceremony he realised one year after he became a widdower. He bought a black horse (not a blue) and gave it the name "little mouse" against its frightened condition to run away. His daughter Sandra had a look on him. Since Georg retired he was on his own travel on discovery. And he started to Achill Island in that mind to find out, why B. O' Donnell wrote his name in the diary. …









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