Creative writing story
Fourth Episode: Swedish Attachments
Jens Andreas Faulstich
Andreas and Alexandra had come in just in time to witness the noisy scene in the buffet car. It had reminded Andreas of his everyday school existence.... and actually his holiday mood was in great danger of sustaining a fatal blow. He had urged Alexandra not to join that crazy bunch of people in the buffet car - - - but he had done so at the expense of not having anything for lunch.
Some other passengers had brought their own fruits and sandwiches; Andreas had just seen the young man who had been singing the minute before - happily chewing on a large chunk of a muesli bar. Vaulenberg admitted to himself that it hadn't been a good idea to rely on the Thalys catering service. In order to stop himself from greedily looking at the young man's supply of delicacies, Andreas returned to his own seat - and closed his eyes after a few minutes of polite conversation with his fellow travellers. Where was this train going to take him?
Last month, Andreas had taken a decision that hadn't been quite easy for him. He had decided to renew a contact which had been sleeping for a while - - - and for good reasons, too. Andreas had been quite uncertain about his relationship with Karin, that Swedish young artist he had met in Cologne last year. When he had talked to her in Cologne, he had sensed that she was deeply in doubt as far as her career prospects were concerned. Andreas really believed that she would be successful one day - but he knew these anxieties and hesitations all too well. Perhaps they had established that feeling of common ground which had brought him closer to her. They had talked and talked and talked... - and actually he really wnated to see her again, though he couldn't say why. This was the reason why he had phoned her in order to suggest a meeting on Achill Island. And she had consented. He couldn't wait to find out whether that sense of mutual understanding and fascination would return. He couldn't wasit to fly to Dublin.