This very unique invitation is being extended to everyone in the community, both young and old. The purpose of the gathering is to meet a group of fifty people who started their journey to Achill in October 2000. Over the past couple of weeks you may have been reading here in the "Mayo News" introductions to the groups from the various countries.
You may be aware that this unique undertaking in cultural understanding and learning started out in a virtual setting using the new media of the computer and the internet. The intrigue created by the participants in the 'web novel' is added to by the fact that many of those people will meet for the first time when they get to Dublin. They are travelling via train from their various destination throughout Europe (see map) to their final destination here in Achill. Five young people from Scoil Damhnait have been involved in the project, Hessel van Goor, Thomas Johnston, Caroline Cowley, Emma Dever and Maeve McNamara; the project is organised and promoted locally by the Achill Island Arts and Cultural Links Alliance, whose co-ordinators are Sean Cannon, Breege O'Brien and Sheila McHugh.
This group of people from very diverse backgrounds, bring with them a wealth of knowledge and come here to share and exchange with the people in our community the richness of their learning and their cultural heritage. During their stay here they will be participating in a range of workshops that will open all involved to the richness of our culture. It is hoped that those sessions, which include Gaelic Acla; traditional music, song and dance; the environmental awareness walks; photography; painting; web design and creative writing will be attended by interested Achill participants. The workshops are free of charge. The cultural interchange that will ensue from those workshops and the results of same will be published on the internet.
Any individual or group who wishes to meet with the participants or who wish to participate in the workshops during the week, please come along to the open evening. Let us give a big Céad Míle Fáilte to the EU-Train when it arrives in Achill on Sunday.
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