Let's create links...

....links on the Web
At the moment more than 100 people from different backgrounds and of different nationalities are busy connecting the episodes of a big intercultural story network on the Internet. The story is about a fictional train journey through Europe, heading to the finale on the most western part of Europe - Achill Island. Everybody is invited to join the virtual train for a while meeting the fictional characters. However you can even meet the authors and representatives of the characters in real life. On the 2nd of February the virtual journey will change into a real life experience as more than 50 of us will meet each other on an excursion to Achill Island. The journey can be followed online at www.eu-train.net

....links in our minds
Coming from different directions these people who just know each other from virtual encounters in the Internet (you can still join the electronic project forum "public-connnect" at www.egroups.com/group/public-connect ) meet each other in the train from Dublin to Westport. They follow the footsteps of famous authors such as the German Nobel Prize Winner Heinrich Böll, who did this journey about 50 years ago. Arriving on Achill the group will finnally be completed by the Achill Island project participants (e.g. from the Scoil Damhnait). We will celebrate the finale of the project together in a big and open intercultural encounter.

...links in our hearts
Do not be surprised when scenes from the Web story come to life on Achill. In different workshops participants can share their experiences and skills to learn about each others cultures and to prepare and design the finale of the story in the Internet. These activities are carried out under the "virtual eyes" of all participants who could not join us to Achill Island and follow the finale online. The announcements of workshops offered in the week from the 4th to the 9th of February will be published in the Internet at www.eu-train.net/connect/menu/frameset_finale.htm There you will find e.g. the announcement of the music workshop "Hello musicians" (by Silvia Klewer):

"When we will meet on Achill in February we should use the oldest and easiest way of connecting people. It is MUSIC!! We plan a Music- & Singing-Workshop for three afternoons to bring together people of different nationalities. You will get to know many kinds of music-style for example of Sweden, Germany, etc. In this way we are also curious about the real Irish music. What do we need? Whom do we need? We invite everybody to join our group. Feel free to bring your instruments along like guitars, fiddles and backpipes. We need people who love music, who have fun with it and those who like to present a few songs of their country. You will realise that cultural diversity is also expressed in music. You do not have to be perfect on your instrument like Carlos Santana and your voice has not to be like José Carreras´!! Interested? We are looking forward to meeting you when there is music in the air..."

If you are interested to contribute to this or other workshops just send a short e-mail message to project manager Thomas Berger: berger@inter-research.de expressing your interest and maybe some details about your background. Or join us during a welcome reception in the evening of the 4th of February (Details about time and location will be announced soon). CU ("See you") on the Internet, on the train and on Achill soon!

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