Christmas Greetings from Europe

60 European Adventurers on Achill Island

“23 December somewhere in Europe. I am standing on a crowded platform at dusk. Feeling like a packed mule with my eight paper bags filled to the brim with Christmas presents. After hours of searching I finally got everything I wanted. Totally exhausted from the shopping I enter my train home. Lucky me, I find a seat. I put my bags in the luggage-rack above me and sink into my seat, dozing off. In my dreams, I see my happy family  unwrapping their presents.

<<Köln Hauptbahnhof, Köln Hauptbahnhof ...>>, the train enters my station. While I am rising from my seat my tender feelings turn into anger. I stare at the luggage rack. The bags have gone, only the big one with the huge teddy bear for my little brother is still under the seat. Can anybody be so mean? It was obvious that these were Christmas presents! What on earth could have happened to my presents? If you have an idea, please tell me...”

Luckily, this is a fictitious story. More virtual train experiences, which can be read on the Internet are planned to be put into reality by 60 people while they are travelling to Achill Island at the beginning of February.

This journey is part of  a European project called ”CONNECT- network TRAINing”. Connect brings together people from eight European countries. They write little web stories which are published on the internet and interconnected through links. Everybody has the chance to influence or extend the story plot. It is an easy way to get to know the cultural heritage of the other international groups. Navigating the Internet is just like making a complex train journey.

You can change trains at links, choose the longer but scenic route and become friends with complete strangers.

If you would like some more information or if you want to contribute please have a look at:

The participants from Sweden, Austria, Italy, Luxemburg, England, Finland, Germany, Irland and Spain wish everybody on Achill Island a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.


Silvia Rode, Bonn

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