Creative writing story
Catching the Train
Daniel Seibert
The policeman knew immediately that he should never have made this decision. He could now be having a nice, hot coffee in one of the small cafes close to Cologne station. And now this!
If he had only kept his mouth shut when the car pulled up in the no-parking area and had, of course, stopped there. Now the old man stood there, arguing with his son. The car still blocked an entryway for the ambulance and he stood there like an idiot. He got a grip on himself and tried to intervene: " Please sir, if you would just move your car there would be no problem at all." ... "thought it was a stupid idea to take me all the way to Cologne at once"... "but uncle, it is much more convenient!"... "Convenient! You see where it lead to, caught by the police, and still I am in a hurry"...
"Ok, I have had about all I can handle, now listen: Why don't I just take you to the train, sir, while your nephew takes his car away from here?", the policeman interrupted with growing agony.
"First sensible thing anybody said all day", snapped the old man, " I will be happy to get rid of him as soon as possible!"
"If you ever need my help again, uncle, don't hesitate", replied the nephew, dropping luggage onto the sidewalk, " to get lost! And good riddance!"
"I don't have to take that from a bedwetter like you! Better go home to your mum!"
"Fossil!", and with that the young man drove off.
"Please sir, come this way..."
"Yeah, you just take all that luggage, I can't carry it, for sure."
That guy never heard of a word called please, thought the policeman. It would have turned out that keeping that thought to himself made a quite wise man of him. It seemed as if the old man could go on like that for a long time. What a day, he thought, after he had stowed the old man and his belongings in a car bound for Bruxelles.