Creative writing story
Daniel Seibert
Since he had had that slight heart-attack three years ago he sometimes had difficulties swallowing. That crumb had caught him quite unprepared. But the gibberish that guy sitting at the next table with a tall blonde (40 years ago… sigh) had really torn his attention away from food. What a jerk! He hated such foolish attempts at what he had always seen as the high art of wooing. If less women were so inclined to fall for it, those buggers would hopefully already have been swept from this planets face. This one was better than the rest of them, though. He nearly started cheering her as she finally yelled at him and pointed him out as the sicko he was. Perhaps he should go and calm her?...
Nah, he might have been a fool but at least he knew he was an old fool. Eating was about the only pleasure his body held for him and even that was playing with his life nowadays. Nothing that a drink of coffee couldn't fix, though.