Creative writing story
Family Reunion
Sophia Komor
Man, it's really good to see Helen again. I always realize how much I like her, how much I miss her when we meet after a pretty long time. She looks quite tired, though.
Well, I guess a one year old son is not the best medicine to look as fresh and as young as other mid-twenties who don't have to bear as much responsibility as Helen has. I don't like the silence between Mom and Helen. And Helen is just telling me that she is not yet ready to take the first step towards making up with Mom.
Speaking of Mom I'm informing her about Mom's reaction when I told her about our little trip to Ireland, Achill Island and Brian O'Donnell. To say it nicely: she was totally shocked and tried everything to stop us from travelling.
I think it's because she doesn't want us to know anything about our father - or maybe even fathers? Who knows? I mean, except Mom.
Meanwhile we have arrived at the track which the train's going to depart of. Oh, the train's already there. Let's get it on, sister.
Well, where could we sit? Two nice, good-looking, smart girls like us?
Oh, there. Let's get those two seats right next to the window.
Great, we're perfectly seated now. Helen is just so fabulous.
She is getting some coffee for both of us. Who is that man over there?
He is pretty old to still be travelling on his own. Well, who knows what he is up to?
Helen is coming back. She's bringing the coffee. Thanks a lot, big sister.