Creative writing story
Alexandra Haas
"So, how are things going at my old school?" Alexandra sipped at her tea while settling into a comfortable armchair. She had to smile at Ms Nagelschmidt-Boehlau's look of utter despair. She liked her former teacher very much, despite - or rather because - of the fact that Ms Nagelschmidt was quite an excentric person.
"Oh come on, it can't be that bad, can it?"
"Well, I can't keep pace with the younger colleagues, plus, they think I am a total weirdo. And the older ones are getting more senile every day…"
"Just like you?"
"Of course, but there's no room for more than one of my kind!"
They both laughed. Alexandra had always liked Ms Nagelschmidt's kind of humour. When she met Ms Nagelschmidt for the first time, Alexandra had thought she should be sent to a mental institution. But she had realized very quickly that Ms Nagelschmidt deliberately acted that way, knowing that this was a very effective method of making others keep their distance and gave her the chance to teach her classes exactly as she liked as no one dared to interfere.
And a good teacher she had always been, at least for the girls. During Alexandra's years at that private school, Ms Nagelschmidt had been the only one telling them that clever girls could do far more than stay put in the language department. Boys, on the other hand, really had to suffer from Ms Nagelschmidt, as she hated all men in general. And one of her colleagues in particular, as far as Alexandra could remember.
"Talking about colleagues: How are things going with that Mr Vaulen-something?"
"Don't remind me! You have no idea how much I suffer from that man. Even the time he takes to utter one single sentence is a real test to my nerves."
"I can very well imagine that you don't really give him a chance, do you?"
"Ach, it's not worth listening, anyway. You know what happened the last time I did? He convinced me that it would help to discuss the final exams over dinner."
"But that's a nice idea, isn't it?"
"Might have been, though I can imagine nicer things than speding an evening with Mr Vaulenberg. Anyway, he made me come to that Italian restaurant, and then he didn't turn up."
"Not at all?"
"Well, yes, but 47 minutes late. Said he got a letter from Ireland, something about travelling there in February. Now is that a reason for turning up that late? Anyway, I gave him a piece of my mind and left immediately."
Alexandra couldn't help smiling. She could see the scene before her - a tall, dark haired, guilty looking man being shouted at in the middle of a restaurant. Poor guy!
"Don't be too hard on him. Some people are less organized than you… But, by the way, I'm going to Ireland in February as well. Do you know what he's doing there?"
"As if I'd care!"
"Never mind… Could I have some more tea, please?"