Was it because she just wants to be reunited with her old coterie—plain and simple...
                   or was it because she´s trying to get away from somebody
                                              that made her decide to agree on this journey?
Along the Corridor
Though she was already sitting comfortably, still she can´t believe the sudden decision she has done. It is very unlikely of her to take a leave of absence unless it´s deemed necessary. Ever since she got this stint in the gallery , she never had any time spared for affairs and matters irrelevant to her job. It is as if her world only exists around those glorious panels and ancient stone statues housed in a grotesque edifice. The gallery has become her shelter and refuge from the outside world. She´s not against modernity for she herself, posseses a hig-powered PalmPilot which maintains her organized, as well as a notebook and a handyphone. But if these technological materials are taken away from her, she appears to be warped in a time zone.

As she looked through the plane´s window, the facade of the Humanities department in Oxford and the echoing Irish brogue of Brian O´Donnel (link to Mary´story part 1) came flashing back into her senses, sending elating feelings to her nerves. How can she forget this man, who after several lectures in class, affirmed her desire to take the direction she was uncertain about several years ago? It was him who gave her courage and determination to struggle and resists the will of her ever-manipulative parents.

Her thoughts were abruptly awakened and withdrawn away from the past when the wheels of the plane finally touched down the runway of the Frankfurt airport.

« II »

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