byThe Young Geneologist
is a young woman, tall brunette that never knows exactly what she wants.
She is always making much efforts to take the right decision
and then she is too tired to lead it till the end.
So far the whole of her life was like this education, career
and men.
Of course, she is single it is too hard to choose someone
to marry.
The same was with her profession first she started to study
informatics, then interrupted it and took some art courses at Oxford.
But her logical thinking led her somehow naturally in the field
of genealogy.
Yes, that is an interesting science. And moreover for a young
and ambitiuos woman not a difficult way to make up money and career. Now she
is working hard and participates in lot of projects.
Geneology, a relatively new science, is getting more and more
popular and that helps her a lot.
Everyday this young woman is getting more famous in her field.
But is this enough?
She has few friends. Maybe she needs a change, holidays or simply
an adventure?
When she has leisure time she likes going out. Staying at home
and watching TV is something she does not like.
She has so many telephone numbers in her notebook although
as already mentioned few friends.
The other thing she likes is travelling it is like a hobby
for her.
Maybe that was one of the many reasons that made her accept
the invitaion so fast.
And because of that the idea of Ireland has been playing in
the back of her mind, after hearing it mentioned so many times the
other night at dinner. It sounds so mysterious, intriguing.....
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