Spanish Team

You wouldn't believe it but after our very tense first day we are getting along really nicely. I am sorry I was so harsh, and mum seems to understand that she is lucky to be healthy and well and has stopped moaning about dad's untimely death. It must have been sleeping in the train, some sort of moving-rails cure. I am babbling.

We have been walking around seeing the beautiful buildings and little squares of the Marais. We stopped for coffee and had a Japanese lady take some pictures of us with my new camera. She hasn't asked about Marco or you once, and this is good because it means she won't put pressure on me.

I am sitting on a restaurant where mum knows the cook and am hitting the keyboard while she's at the kitchen doing small talk. Lunch has been great, specially the cheese, I love French cheese. Why are you never home? I'd like to hear your voice. I have to go now.

Spanish startpage

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