She is just so bright at dinner, I canīt believe how good this trip is being for her. She insisted on wearing the T-shirt I bought her even though it's a bit cold for that, but this place is warm enough. She is having fun, even with the research she did. She has even said that Antonio was a bore, always working, she hasn't been able to talk to him yet. For one thing I am glad she's over Marco, that was painful. But I think she needs someone younger, more alive. Like that nice young man in the train. But she is so shy, I bet she hasn't even told him her name. I have accepted her idea of travelling to Brussels first and from there to Dublin by plane. Brussels is boring, but Marta will see her schoolfriend Elena, who is now working for the European Community. It's only two hours from here and I already got the tickets. Everything is perfect. |